For Immediate Release
Contact: Berena Peña
(May 23, 2012 – CARLSBAD, CA) – Architects from around the world submitted their best work from the past five years to residential architect magazine for consideration to be chosen for the 2012 residential architect Design Awards.
After two long days, six judges chose 36 winning projects, which is 5 percent of the submitted entries. The judges were tough indeed. So tough that when it came time to bestow levels of awards to the selected projects, they elevated just four to Grand status and singled out one Project of the Year! Leaving no doubt, that what made it through their scrutiny is the best work in the country to date.
Architect, Builder, and Developer Jonathan Segal, FAIA, and his team including his Co-Designer and son, Matthew Segal built this “Project of the Year” in San Diego’s Little Italy neighborhood.
The 19-unit multifamily project called “The Charmer” takes the pedestrian-friendly planning of historic courtyard apartments and combines it with restrained modern design, creating an appealing place to live.
Residents can choose from six one-bedroom bungalows, 10 three-bedroom units, or three two-bedroom units overlooking the courtyard. Five thousand square feet of commercial space occupies the ground level.
All of the parking is at grade, and while some spaces are covered to comply with local requirements, most residents park in the landscaped permeable paved courtyard.
The outdoor spaces at The Charmer carry just as much weight with Jonathan Segal as the buildings, themselves, for he believes that beauty and livability are crucial, and often overlooked components.
Soil Retention’s permeable pavers, Drivable Grass® were used for the courtyard.
For further information and details about Drivable Grass®, please visit our web site at soilretention.com or contact us at 800-346-7995.